Well, for a while now I had some rashes on the sides of my feet. They were really itchy and they bleed. Sorry to gross you out and all, but that's how it was. Why did I have them? You see I have exzema. At first when I was little I had asthma, then it became asthma of the skin, now its exzema. It was really troublesome when I was little and it was when it was really bad. I had to avoid certain things like food -- our dog (it was the hair that made my skin irratated). I use to have allergy outbreaks all the time. I'd get rashes on my elbows, knees, on the back of my neck. There was even a time when I got them on my face!!!!
Hey now!!!! I wasn't hideous or anything. It was just three small rashes at certain areas of my face. My nose, lower lip (small portion) and left side of my chin. But they're all gone now.
Nowadays, I have to careful. I don't have anymore of 'those' rashes but I do get the occasional bleeder. What's that you ask? Well, its an area of my skin that got irritated and I (sigh) scratched it and it bled. Just a little bit though!
Anywhoooo, back to the topic on hand. Like I said, I had rashes on my feet for a while now. I tried various creams and ointments, but none of them really worked. At one time my dermatologist suggested injects for my foot. I went rigid at the thought. I'm not afraid of injections or anything like that but on my foot!?!?!?!?! Naturally I said no at first...but some time after Christmas I caved. So I went to the doctor and had my foot injections.
What happened? Low and behold......

Well, that's all!!!!!
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