My classmates and I (the Educuties) have been very busy. In fact we still are. It seems that the only break we get is during the summer vacation, because once the school semester starts we don't seem to have any free time to ourselves.
But thank goodness we are stubborn. We don't have any time to ourselves, therefore we make time. Last week, Wednesday my classmates and I took some time out of our busy schedule to 'just' hang out. We went to Robinsons and hung out in the food court. We didn't eat a regular lunch, we just had some chips, penuts, fries, green peas, prawn crackers, and Lipton tea to drink.
A security guard almost reprimanded us for drinking 'alcohol' when he saw the bottle(s) and realized it was just iced tea! :>- Sorry!!!!! Hehehehe!!!!!!
We basically just talked about anything in general. From school (politics) to our personal lives. We mostly just ranted and raved about the happenings in school. From annoying 'kouhais' to too much school work.
We often times amaze ourselves, because for all the complaining we do...we actually get the work done!
Not only did we do what we wanted. We got to relieve our stress, have fun, and feel refreshed. In the end all that was left behind was our garbage!
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