Thursday, December 20, 2007

Viruses On The Compter!!!!!!!

Watch out people...this goes out to all the people who go on the computer. There is a virus that's going on out there that really is a pain in the fucking ass!!!!!

The virus comes in the form of a webpage. When you look on your computer you will see that there is an icon of a webpage. The one with a big blue 'e' in front of a white paper. It has very unusual names such as Sex Video and Gwen. If its on you USB then you must reformat it. You have no other choice. If the virus manages to get on your comp, then good luck.

If you suspect a computer to be infected with such a virus then keep your USB away. Far away. My friend just nearly put her USB in the slot...she hasn't even actually put it in (I mean the metal part wasn't even actually in the jack) and it got infected.

If you have a friend who can help you then go to him. Get the latest anti virus and get more than one. Its better to be safe than sorry.

Well, till here for now. I have to get my USB fixed and my laptop checked. Pray that its alright.

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