Watch out people...this goes out to all the people who go on the computer. There is a virus that's going on out there that really is a pain in the fucking ass!!!!!
The virus comes in the form of a webpage. When you look on your computer you will see that there is an icon of a webpage. The one with a big blue 'e' in front of a white paper. It has very unusual names such as Sex Video and Gwen. If its on you USB then you must reformat it. You have no other choice. If the virus manages to get on your comp, then good luck.
If you suspect a computer to be infected with such a virus then keep your USB away. Far away. My friend just nearly put her USB in the slot...she hasn't even actually put it in (I mean the metal part wasn't even actually in the jack) and it got infected.
If you have a friend who can help you then go to him. Get the latest anti virus and get more than one. Its better to be safe than sorry.
Well, till here for now. I have to get my USB fixed and my laptop checked. Pray that its alright.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Subic Field Trip
December 8, 2007 the School of Education of PWU went to Subic for an Educational Field Trip! It was so much fun!
We got to see Zoobic which houses various animals. From Tigers to reptiles to Ostriches to Goats, and Crocodiles.
After that we got to see Ocean Adventure. It was soo cool. We got to watch the Dolphin show and the Sea Lion Show.
We even got to go shopping at Duty Free!
We all had such a blast! It was even better then our last field trip! Until next time. Bye!!!!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I love Starbucks!!!!! I can't help it. True its expensive but the coffee is great!!!!! If I could I would have Starbucks everyday. Alas, I can't so I'll just have to settle for every other day. Month? Year? Hmph!!!!!
Anyway so far this few months I've had a number of coffee from Starbucks. I've had, Praline Mocha, Peppermint Mocha, and Toffee Nut. Both hot and cold. Well, I have to start saving again. I've had alot of expensese this last few months.

Anyway so far this few months I've had a number of coffee from Starbucks. I've had, Praline Mocha, Peppermint Mocha, and Toffee Nut. Both hot and cold. Well, I have to start saving again. I've had alot of expensese this last few months.

Monday, November 26, 2007
Activities For The Week
Wednesday 21, 2007
After my not so effective and productive class, I went to Robinson's to meet up with a friend. We ate at Karate Kid and watched Beuwolf. The movie was awesome!!!! Every scence was in 3G, except for the last part. I think it was real. My friend and I were discussing how making the movie 3G was a great idea because some parts of it was gruesome. If it was real life. I don't think anyone would have been able to stomach the fight scenes. Great job guys!!!!
After my not so effective and productive class, I went to Robinson's to meet up with a friend. We ate at Karate Kid and watched Beuwolf. The movie was awesome!!!! Every scence was in 3G, except for the last part. I think it was real. My friend and I were discussing how making the movie 3G was a great idea because some parts of it was gruesome. If it was real life. I don't think anyone would have been able to stomach the fight scenes. Great job guys!!!!

Friday, November 23, 2007
What Up Dawg? Meet the Beetles!
Lol! Okay, you caught me. I'm in my Power Ranger mood. Specifically Power Ranger Ninja Storm! Its my favorite Power Ranger series of all. Next is Power Ranger Dino Thunder. Anyway in Ninja Storm there were these Ninja Schools: Wind and Thunder. From the Thunder Ninja Academy comes two very different adopted brothers: Hunter and Blake. They are best friends and are insanely fast in Motocross. Anyway, their Zords are the Crimson Insectezord and the Navy Beetlezord. BUGS!

I was watching Ninja Storm the other night and the next morning, what do I find turned over on our front porch? BUGS!!!! Two of them! Having watched Ninja Storm the night before, I have affectionally named the two: Crimson Insectezord and Navy Beetlezord.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Accidents Happen
Man, after all the traffic that keeps people tied up on the streets for hours, one would think that they would be (extremely) careful to avoid an accident. But no! Drivers have to race each other to "win" or rather get to their destination first.
I hope that one day people can get it into their minds that if they didn't race each other, that they would get to their destinations safe and sound and on time.
What do you think?
I hope that one day people can get it into their minds that if they didn't race each other, that they would get to their destinations safe and sound and on time.
This is what happened one week, when my brother and I were on our way to school. Both of us were late and the traffic didn't seem to be budging. The closer we got to the intersection the more the traffic (actually) made sense.

Monday, November 19, 2007
Thurday & Friday Madness
Thursday, the 15th...boy was it ever a (eventful) day. Not only because we had so many things to do, but rather because of the things that happened. It was midterm week at school and I was stressing out because I had 1 midterm after another the very next day (Friday). The only break I had then was lunch. I had 3 midterm exams lined up and all were majors. Man, talk about a splitting head ache! Alas, I got through it all. The exams weren't as hard as I thought they were.
Back to Thursday...even though we were all stressing out because of our exams we still found the time to go out and relax. Which is exactly what we needed. It was raining hard that day and most of the schools in the area suspended their classes arleady. My school was the only one that didn't (talk about rebellious). It was we then discovered when our professor came for our last class that classes WERE to be suspended at 4pm! They were going to suspend class and they were going to do it at 4pm!
Anyway, since my professor was already here and it was our scheduled midterm, we decided to go on with our class and take our midterm. So, we were the only ones in the school being good students :)- One of my classmates came to school around 3: 45 and she said that the guard told her that classes were suspended and that she couldn't enter the school grounds anymore. She said: "Guard, its our exam today. Let me in so that I won't have to take it another day. I want to finish today. Please". The guard being nice let her in and she was able to take the exam. Thank you guard man.
Well, after the exam I went in search of my friends. I recieved a text message to meet them at McDonalds. I figured that we would just meet there and go on home. But I was in for a surprise and a treat. There were 4 of us: Me, Kris, (Kris)tel & and Antonette. Antonette, or affectionately called 2net, is such a fabulous girl. She treated all of us to a McDonalds dinner!

We had so much fun just hanging out. We got to talk aout the week, what happened and what was happening in our lives and everything, our problems and etc... We promised we would do it again but this time someone else would answer for the food. It can't always be Antonette. I don't know when we will do it again. But I promise to take picture(s) and post it when we do.
On another matter: As promised here is the picture of the dog thigh that I found in our garage the other day. It must have been cooked good for our dog Kulot (Curly) stripped it to the bone.
Back to Thursday...even though we were all stressing out because of our exams we still found the time to go out and relax. Which is exactly what we needed. It was raining hard that day and most of the schools in the area suspended their classes arleady. My school was the only one that didn't (talk about rebellious). It was we then discovered when our professor came for our last class that classes WERE to be suspended at 4pm! They were going to suspend class and they were going to do it at 4pm!
Anyway, since my professor was already here and it was our scheduled midterm, we decided to go on with our class and take our midterm. So, we were the only ones in the school being good students :)- One of my classmates came to school around 3: 45 and she said that the guard told her that classes were suspended and that she couldn't enter the school grounds anymore. She said: "Guard, its our exam today. Let me in so that I won't have to take it another day. I want to finish today. Please". The guard being nice let her in and she was able to take the exam. Thank you guard man.
Well, after the exam I went in search of my friends. I recieved a text message to meet them at McDonalds. I figured that we would just meet there and go on home. But I was in for a surprise and a treat. There were 4 of us: Me, Kris, (Kris)tel & and Antonette. Antonette, or affectionately called 2net, is such a fabulous girl. She treated all of us to a McDonalds dinner!

THANKS ANTONETTE!!!!! You're the girl.
We had so much fun just hanging out. We got to talk aout the week, what happened and what was happening in our lives and everything, our problems and etc... We promised we would do it again but this time someone else would answer for the food. It can't always be Antonette. I don't know when we will do it again. But I promise to take picture(s) and post it when we do.
On another matter: As promised here is the picture of the dog thigh that I found in our garage the other day. It must have been cooked good for our dog Kulot (Curly) stripped it to the bone.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Dog 'Food' Anyone?
One morning I was surprised to see what I thought was the thigh of a cooked chicken in our garage. But in reality it actually turned out to be the thigh of a...wait for it...D-O-G!!!!!!!! How it got into our garage, I don't know. I've heard of people cooking dogs, I've seen people cook dogs (well only 1 dog). Its been such a long time that I was shocked to see that thigh.
I figured someone in the neigbhourhood cooked 'their' dog and 'our' dog managed to snag the thigh of it.
It was big, I tell you! And in a day or 2 it was stripped to the bone. The picture of the bone will be in my next blog. So stay tuned.
I figured someone in the neigbhourhood cooked 'their' dog and 'our' dog managed to snag the thigh of it.
It was big, I tell you! And in a day or 2 it was stripped to the bone. The picture of the bone will be in my next blog. So stay tuned.

Monday, November 12, 2007
Happy Bday Cousin Lyn

Even though the people were limited my cousin cooked spaghetti. I brought a cake from Red Ribbon: Tiramisu Meltdown.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Mishief Of The Week
Its been a pretty busy week. Fun but busy.
First we redecorated the Education Tree in our classroom. It looks great.
Then we celebrated 3 birthdays.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Amazing Pictures
These pictures are real. They are not and have not been edited in anyway.
Amazing Cloud Formation

Baby Boa

Beach Restaurant
Car-Cow Wash
Edge Of A Hurricane

Car-Cow Wash

Edge Of A Hurricane

Fire Starter

Fitness Customers

Holding The Sun

Not A Good Day For Surfing

Pet Rats

Swimming Pool In China

You Light Up My World

Photo Of The Year

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Master
I have this friend, a kohai...lets call her Pirate Sham. Pirate Sham is very talented. She knows how to sing, dance, and make people laugh. But the best talent she has is her drawing abilities. You shoud see her! She just takes a pen/pencil/board marker and starts drawing.
She's really good! You should see her work and her work. Yes, I'm a real big fan. I draw myself but I'm nowhere as good as her. For me I have to really concentrate on what I do and I have to be in the mood. Picture: Kaoru-chan, Josh Groban and Momko!

What do you think? She did this on a white board and in only seconds! AMAZING!!!!!

Friday, October 19, 2007
Life: A Fucking Hell

That’s true to the cause
Life: A Fucking Hell
There is no faults
Life: A Fucking Hell
To the people who know
Life: A Fucking Hell
To the people who’s done wrong
Life: A Fucking Hell
To the people who fall
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Educational Technology (Slogan)
We made a slogan for our Educational Technology class about a few weeks ago. We were told to think up of slogans and our professor would be the one to interpret it. My group had about 3-5 slogans thought up. We couldn't decide which one to pass so we passed all of it.
Here is the end product of our slogan. Notice that our professor used all of our slogans.
1. The finished product of our slogan. Tarpolin
2. Our slogan on paper.
Here is the end product of our slogan. Notice that our professor used all of our slogans.
1. The finished product of our slogan. Tarpolin

Monday, October 15, 2007
Just Hanging Around, Eating & Sight Seeing
Its been a busy week and its about to get even busier, but even though we're all stresesed out and tired. We still manage to relax and....

(Shamirah, Liza, Ana & Angie)


(Somone's butt pressing against the window)
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Coffee Series

Look at what they did to with the creamer in this coffee! Isn't it cute. I got the picture from Abe Yoshitsugu's blog. He's a Japanese stage performer. Rank: Kabuki. Abe Yoshitsugu played Kawamura Takashi in the Prince of Tennis Musical.
I love Starbucks, but damn it to hell and back its expensive! But I found a substitute. But it also costs a few pennies so I have to drink MODERATELY.
(L-R) Frapaccino, Hazlenut
(L-R) Maple, Mocha Frost
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