Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Song: Bella Bellissima by Hadag Nachash



Zeh sipur ito ra'ui yeladim lechanech

Yom shlishi, shteim-esreh bemai, 1992
yotzet ishah mibeitah biy'rushalaim
yom ragil standarti
lo meyuchad k'mo kol hayamim
pul yeladim barechovot
haytah sh'vitat morim
be'otah sha'ah mamash mechabel ne'elach
mashlich sakin mit'bach
itah dakar shnei ne'arim chafim
od pigu'a metoraf achzari
od pigu'a le'umani

Hu pote'ach bem'nusah
ki acharav dolek hamon
shetofes oto ka'avur mispar shniyot
betoch chanyon
asarot anashim bo'atim bo
hem rotzim lis'gor cheshbon
ani lo shofet otam,
zeh mikreh bli higayon
zeh matav pagum,
atgum, arur, lo barur
aval az magi'ah ha'ishah
umeshanah et sof hasipur
ki al hamechabel hi miyad nish'kenvet
umegonenet begufah
al terorist aval gam adam
shebli gufah
hayah gufah
"ani lo mevin,
lo pachad't
im metoraf mitachtaich
vehahamon ko karov?
lo hayah kal yoter
lakum vela'azov?"
antah la'itonai
she'lo hayah lah zman lach'shov
antah la'itonai
she'lo hayah lah zman lach'shov

Bella bellissima...

Hamikreh shel ha'ishah hazot
nech'rat li barosh
me'eifo hako'ach lishkav
bli lazuz, bli lach'shosh
sho'el et atzmi mah hayiti oseh bim'komah
lu bediyuk be'otah sha'ah hayiti nikl'a las'vivah
barur li
she'lo hayiti ba vebo'et
aval im lihyot hagun velomar et ha'emet
lo nir'ah li shehayiti mesugal
lin'hog kamoha
harbeh yoter mat'im li lakum velivro'ach
az maximum lenasot
limtzo shoter o mashehu
aval hi shach'vah sham ad shekochoteiha tashu
esrim dakot hi chat'fah sham be'iytot
hayeladim shelah rau ve'lo hifsiku livkot.

Bella bellissima...

Hagiveret lesemel lo hafchah
veshmah nimchak
lema'aseh mehatoda'ah.
Ein bul shelah
ulai ki Yisrael od beshelah
ve'lo beshelah
le'ametz lecheikah gibor
sheg'vurato lo milchamtit, gibor
sheg'vurato hi lo tz'vait, gibor
sheg'vurato rak musarit,
gibor ishah, ve'od charedit.

De'i lach ishah yekarah she'lo shachachti
et sipur g'vuratech le'atzmi hivtachti she...

zeh sipur ito ra'ui
yeladim lechanech

Bella bellissima...

This is a story worth educating children with

Tuesday, 12th May, 1992
A woman steps out of her house in Jerusalem
Normal standard day
nothing special like any other day
A load of kids in the streets –
there was a teachers’ strike
Same time exactly a revolting terrorist
Pulls out a kitchen knife
and with it stabs two innocent kids
Another mad cruel attack
Another nationalist attack

He sets off running
because a mob is in pursuit
And catches him after a few seconds
in the carpark
tens of people kicking him –
they want to close the score
I don’t judge them,
it’s an irrational event
It’s a flawed situation,
awful, revolting, unclear
But then turns up the woman
and alters the end of the story
because she straight off throws herself
on the terrorist andprotects with her body
the terrorist who is also a human
though without her body
would have ended up a corpse
"I don’t understand,
weren’t you afraid
with that madman beneath you
and the mob so close?
"Wouldn’t it have been easier
to get up and leave?"
She replied to the journalist
that she didn’t have time to think.
She replied to the journalist
that she didn’t have time to think.

Bella bellissima...

That incident with the woman
is engraved in my head
Where did she get the strength to lie there
without moving, without fear
I ask myself what I would have done in her place
If at the same moment I had been in the area
It’s clear to me
that I wouldn’t have gone over to boot him
But to be fair and to tell the truth
I don’t think I would have been capable
of behaving like her
Much more typical for me to get up and run away
Or at the most to try
to find a policeman or something
But she lay there until her strength waned
20 minutes she took all those kicks
Her kids watched and didn’t stop crying.

Bella Bellissima…...

This lady did not turn into a symbol
And in effect her name
has been erased from consciousness.
There is no stamp with her face
Perhaps because Israel is not yet ready
and is not willing
To bring to its breast a hero
whose heroism is not war-like, a hero
whose heroism is not military, a hero
whose heroism is just moral
a hero who is a woman, and a haredit at that.

Know this, dear woman, that I did not forget
The story of your heroism I promised to myself
That this story is worth educating children with
It’s a story that is worth
educating children with

Bella Bellissima...