Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Master

I have this friend, a kohai...lets call her Pirate Sham. Pirate Sham is very talented. She knows how to sing, dance, and make people laugh. But the best talent she has is her drawing abilities. You shoud see her! She just takes a pen/pencil/board marker and starts drawing.

She's really good! You should see her work and her work. Yes, I'm a real big fan. I draw myself but I'm nowhere as good as her. For me I have to really concentrate on what I do and I have to be in the mood. Picture: Kaoru-chan, Josh Groban and Momko!

What do you think? She did this on a white board and in only seconds! AMAZING!!!!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Life: A Fucking Hell

Life: A Fucking Hell
That’s true to the cause
Life: A Fucking Hell
There is no faults

Life: A Fucking Hell
To the people who know
Life: A Fucking Hell
To the people who’s done wrong

Life: A Fucking Hell
To the people who fall

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Educational Technology (Slogan)

We made a slogan for our Educational Technology class about a few weeks ago. We were told to think up of slogans and our professor would be the one to interpret it. My group had about 3-5 slogans thought up. We couldn't decide which one to pass so we passed all of it.

Here is the end product of our slogan. Notice that our professor used all of our slogans.

1. The finished product of our slogan. Tarpolin
2. Our slogan on paper.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Just Hanging Around, Eating & Sight Seeing

Its been a busy week and its about to get even busier, but even though we're all stresesed out and tired. We still manage to relax and....
(Shamirah, Liza, Ana & Angie)


(Somone's butt pressing against the window)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Coffee Series

As I was growing up I never really did like coffee, yet come college it became my H2O. Whenever my friends ask (when there's something odd about me) if I'm on something I say 'Yes, coffee. And I'm afraid I'm addicted'.

Look at what they did to with the creamer in this coffee! Isn't it cute. I got the picture from Abe Yoshitsugu's blog. He's a Japanese stage performer. Rank: Kabuki. Abe Yoshitsugu played Kawamura Takashi in the Prince of Tennis Musical.

I love Starbucks, but damn it to hell and back its expensive! But I found a substitute. But it also costs a few pennies so I have to drink MODERATELY.

(L-R) Frapaccino, Hazlenut

(L-R) Maple, Mocha Frost

Friday, October 12, 2007

Happy Birthday!!!!!

October 7, 2007 was Ken's (my cousin's son) 4th bday.
We had juice, spaghetti, and barbecue. He loved the barbecue as you can see.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Finally I managed to get my Hazelnut coffee. In two forms also!

Perfect for a scorching hot day!

Perfect for a rainy cold day!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Trece Martirez Community Outreach

September 29, 2007, our schools' department had their first community outreach for this semester at Trece Martirez. We saw old faces and new, mostly new. In the grade group that Allan and I were teaching only 3 were there the last time we went to Trece Martirez. We had 7 new students! All-in-all there were 119 students! A hell of a lot more then there was last time!

I gotta tell you...I had alot more fun then I did last time. I don't know maybe its becuase there was more of them or of us. Either way I had fun.

I have to admit that I complained about having this/going to this outreach. We haven't gotten that settled in to the new semester and we already have an co-curriculum activity. I'm not saying that I didn't want to go, just that it was very sudden. I'm definately going it there was another outreach. It may look like as if we're helping out in the community, but the truth of the matter is...the community is helping us out. They're giving us a chance to practice our teaching skills. Its kind of like a pre-student teaching subject. Though I have to say the ride to and from there and from could have been less bumpy.

 At the end of the day everyone went home with their eyes closed and smiles on their faces. And come Monday everyone is going crazy over the pictures! Including me!