You: Yes it is!
Me: Then what is it?
You: Rootbeer Float!
Me: Engh!!!! Wrong! Its a COFFEE FLOAT!
That's right, you heard correctly folks. It is a coffee float! No its not made with HOT coffee. Its made with ICE coffee with a scope of vanilla ice-cream. Yum........ You should try it sometime. No? How did you think rootbeer floats came about? Someone tried it out then, let others know about it. Next thing you know...its become a worldwide favorite!
In PWU you too can have a coffee float. Well not exactly a coffee float but close enough. Just go down to the canteen, head for the beverage bar and you should see a guy standing by a blender. Its P45.00. Yes I know its expensive. But sometimes the best things are. Now there are different flavors, but my favorite is Hazelnut.
No, this is not Hazelnut...its Frappucino. They didn't have Hazelnut. Yesterday they did, but I already had water then. So maybe next time. But damn it looks so delicious!